Recent Work Click image for a larger view "Cheers with Pino Grigio” 39” x 31”Every Day is a Winding Road. Oil on canvas 36" x 48" inches 2021Open Two 36" x 48" 2023View of IL Cellese, Tuscany 36" x 48" 2023Lighthouse and Flag, O/C, 2022 36" X 48"Old Shed New Sheds - Oil on canvas 36 x 48 inTurnung Amaryllis 24" x 30" oil on canvasMinerva Amaryllis 24" x 30" oil on canvasHere I am, Glowing Pitcher Plant 32" x 40" oil on canvasYellow Shed in Blue Cove 36" x 48" oil on canvas 2022Mirroring Pink Beauty 24" x 24" oil on canvas 2022A Shed At Lourdes For My Mother, Oil on canvas 36” x 48” 2022Kennedy's Shed O/C 36" x 48" 2022Three Shadows, Two Sisters 38" x 46" o/c 2022Pushing Back Mother Natures Way 36 x 48 oil on canvas, 2021Pepsi Can In The Sand Oil on canvas 2022Liza's Bucket 38 x 40 2021 oil on canvasCape Spear Light 40 x 60 oil on canvas 2021Diet Pepsi Can in Sand 30 x 40 2021 oil on canvasSunning Kelp 38 x 40 2021 oil on canvasFloating Wharf at low Tide. Oil on canvas 36 x 48 inches, 2021Hoist and Hook: Oil on canvas 36 x 36 inches, 2021Lights for the Souls 3 and 4, oil on canvas 2021Lights for the Souls 2021, 1 and 2 oil on canvasFrom Camera to Canvas. 24 x 48 Oil on canvas, 2021Henry's F250, Double Take: Oil on canvas, 36 x 48 inches, 2021Driving to Burgeo: Oil on canvas, 2021Broken Bouy, Oil on canvas 36 x 48, 2021“Spring” 2021 Oil on canvas 26” x 26" 2021Diet Pepsi 10” x 23 3/4” Oil on canvas 2020No Traffic, Chianti, Italy 17 3/4” x 23 3/4” 2021 Oil on canvasContainers in the snowDockFreedomModern Day LighthouseOpen Oil on masoniteContainer This entire site’s digital contents, text, graphical elements, photos, are © Jeanette Meehan 2024. All questions regarding the content of this web site can directed to the owner.